
Hello my name is Yolanda Palmer and I recently graduated. Unfortunately in these hard economic times even if you did graduate from one of the most prestige’s schools. And have the finest grades you can’t find a job. The banks didn’t care to hear this though my student loans started to pile up and I need a job. So what do you think I did?

I’ll tell you what I did I went into internet marketing now I’m making a comfortable living from home. Hopefully one day I’ll use that degree for something though. To me this is the ideal lifestyle though that affords me the freedom to be my own boss and the luxury to travel when I want, which I love to do. I have learnt from some of the best in the business – James Martell who taught me everything I needed to know about natural search and creating niche websites, Yaro Starak from Blog Mastermind, Kyle and Carson from the Wealthy Affiliate University and a variety of other well known internet marketing gurus via their blogs, eBooks and guides. I’m always looking for new ways to make money online and I love helping others to do the same, and that is why I have created this blog.

My Goals Are:
-To listen to my readers and develop friendships with them as we all try to improve our Internet businesses.

-To develop strong well written articles that over deliver in reader expectation.

-To provide our readers with all the information needed to help them succeed because in
doing that I will also succeed.

-To teach what I know without concern that I’m giving away something of monetary value for nothing.

-Most of all I will provide overall value to make my readers lives as Internet Marketers that much easier.

-I know that you will find something of value on this site. Take the time to head over to our blog and leave a comment. We love comments!