Wealthy Affiliate Vs Profit Lance - Which One is Unquestionably Better?

Wealthy Affiliate and Profit Lance have some similarities and some noticeable differences. I have used both, but i do have my favorite. They are both good sources in there own right though. Choosing will not be hard at all though i promise by the end of this read you will know what your looking for.

I have to say this depends upon your perspective. Today I will be looking at this question from a newbies point of view. When I was a newbie buying products to help me along the way I had four questions that I asked. In the past I had bought many duds!These questions made me seriously think about what it was I was doing. Now I have saved more money in the long run.

1. ) Is it written in a understandably clear way? It is pointless to buy a product no matter how promising it seems if your not going to be able to understand it. Profit lance has many tutorials at hand as well as videos that explain everything there is to know about the Internet marketing field. This program is remarkably comprehensive. It offers a week by week action plan so all you have to do is follow the steps set before you. If you are more of a free spirit and want to rush ahead which I don't recommend but there are many different options available to you for exploration.

Wealthy Affiliate has a week by week action plan, videos, and tutorials with immense quantities of information. If you want to work at your own pace the learning center allows you to achieve this. The tutorials they offer are divided into Junior, Intermediate and seniors. Wealthy Affiliate tutorials are well written and will clearly reference you to other tutorials related to the subject matter of your topic. Wealthy Affiliate will keep a record of all your completed tutorials so you don't read the same things over and over again. You can refer back to them if you want to though.

2. ) Is everything that is needed included in the price? Profit lance will provide everyone with that's signed up with many different sites that are hosted by Profit Lance. There is no cost to you the customer at all. One thing you need to take into consideration is that these are pre built sites offered to EVERYONE that is a member of Profit Lance so there are many of them out there. This is exceedingly unfortunate because Google hate duplicates. Profit Lance will tell you this is just for practice.

Although these sites contain the buyers ClickBank code though. These sites I'm sure get low traffic because they all have the same content and rank low in the search engines. Profit Lance also offers other sites for the AdSense. These are elf-hosted sites, unlike the "practice" sites they have. These sites require you to buy a domain and hosting.

These sites are not entirely adequate even though there is a video explanation. They recommend using core as your FTP provider, but Firezilla is much more simpler and easier to use, and reliable. Wealthy Affiliate does not provide people with pre built websites. Although this is not a terrible thing as we know. However Wealthy Affiliate does provide you with Site Rubix which is a website builder. Wealthy Affiliate will give you hosting for up to three sites.

You can use the tutorials to learn how to use Site Rubix and the hosting they provide. You will learn how to set it all up, and if you are confused about anything there is much more information it the forum to help you along the way. If you cant find an answer to your question you can of course ask one yourself. Questions in the forum are answer extremely fast.

3. ) Will I have support? Profit Lance asserts Michael Andrews the owner to be available to ask questions, but there seems to be a problem with this. I have noticed many marketers in the forums requesting his address, and getting no reply back from him at all. I have never tried to get in contact with him but if so many people are complaining about it I have to take it into consideration. Now on the other hand Wealthy Affiliate has the best support that anyone could ever wish for. The highlight of Wealthy Affiliate is there forum.

On the forums you can get your questions answered by experienced marketed and non experienced marketers as well. Most people think that no experience marketers would be the only ones in the forums but this is not the case. Travis Sago himself is credited with pioneering the term "Bum Marketing" which is primarily marketing without money. He is often in the forums and helping people. Now another popular young lady is PotPieGirl she created One Week Marketing and she is a enormous help to everyone.

Carson and kyle the owners of Wealthy Affiliate they are always on and ready to help. You can email them, but make sure its a question that hasn't been answer in the forums. Everyone will be in the forums trying to help everyone. Why do you ask? I can think of a few reasons.

First Kyle and Carson encourage this form of behaviour, and lead by example. Now there are also competitions at Wealthy Affiliate such as most helpful post. You can earn prizes such as $500 or $1000. Thirdly they offer Wealthy Affiliate Goal. When you join you get five pieces of goal every month. The goal can be given out to people that are helping you.

If you read a post you think is fantastic, or gives you an idea, answers a query then you can give away Wealthy Affiliate gold. Each of those pieces of gold has real value as well. So if you collect alot of goal you can turn it into real money. Between these three benefits of using the forum a community has emerged that is driven by helping people. This forum is the main reason for Wealthy Affiliate success. Every success is celebrated in the forum and it is a immensely positive place to be.

4. ) So what is the cost and what is the value. You can get Profit Lance for one payment of $77. This is a lifetime payment and you will have access to everything that is updated periodically. Wealthy Affiliate is $97 per month or $797 per a year saving you a total of $367. Even if you sign up for a month to try it out you can upgrade your account to a year. On to the conclusion Wealthy Affiliate Vs. Profit Lance?Profit Lance is advantageous if you are on a limited budget and you cant afford Wealthy Affiliate.

Personally I started with Profit Lance and it is expedient for general understanding of Internet marketing. However Wealthy Affiliate has excellent support and there is a camaraderie between the members that is relevant to your success. You can message each other and stay in touch through the process. This makes Wealthy Affiliate a favorite of mine. It is like watching a TV in black and white and then watching TV in colour.

After you have seen colour you don't want to go back to black and white. That rule applies here also. I cant think of anyone who would go with Profit Lance that has been a member of Wealthy Affiliate. There is one last point I would like to make. Michael Andrews allegedly use to be a member of Wealthy Affiliate and his site is a carbon copy of Wealthy Affiliate.

Michael Andrews was either trying to make a cheaper version of Wealthy Affiliate or just trying to make money. Who actually knows for sure but him. Personally I'm always going for the real deal. You know the original not the pale in comparison imitation. Which ever you have chosen just keep in mind the four questions always.

So which will it be Wealthy Affiliate or  Profit Lance?

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